When to Refinish, Repair Or Replace Granite Countertops?

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Choosing granite over marble and quartz for your home’s countertop has its perks. A granite countertop can last between 10 to 100 years, depending on how well you maintain it. Let’s learn when to refinish, repair or replace your granite countertop.

When Should You Refinish/Reseal Granite Countertops?

It depends on wear & tear and how much you use the countertops. You can go for a quick spot-specific resealing/refinishing once a month or after a spot appears on the surface. Experts recommend an entire surface resealing once a year and professional resealing/refining after 2-4 years. Please note that light-colored countertops are more porous than dark-colored ones and may require resealing more often.

You can also do a quick test every 3-4 months to check if the surface needs to be resealed or refinished. Sprinkle a few drops of water on the countertop and wait for 5-10 minutes. If water is absorbed into the surface, your need to reseal your granite countertops.


How to Refinish/Reseal Granite Countertops?

  • Determine if the countertop requires sealing by doing the water test.
  • Clean the countertop at least 24 hours before sealing. The time is critical because the sealant will go into the same pores as the cleaner. You can turn on the fan to speed up the drying process. Do not use harsh cleaners like vinegar, lemon juice, baking, bleach, or commercial cleaners with these ingredients.
  • Open nearby doors and windows for ventilation if it isn’t raining, as rainwater may splash through windows. Do not turn on the fan while applying sealant.
  • Follow the directions on the packaging to apply the sealant and test it in an inconspicuous area to check the results.
  • Do not leave the sealant on the surface for more time than recommended on the packaging. It usually takes 10-20 minutes for the sealant to dry.
  • Apply the sealant on the entire countertop if the test was successful, or remove the sealant from the test area and take some pictures to show the results to a professional if it left stains. They’ll recommend you the right product.
  • Some products may require a second coat. Follow the instructions to complete the second coat.
  • Let the coat cure. It usually takes 2 to 48 hours for the cure.
  • Make sure you don’t wet wipe your granite countertop for 2 days after resealing.

When Should You Repair Chipped Or Cracked Granite Countertops?

The right time to fix the chip or a crack in the granite countertop depends on various factors. If the chip or crack is in a high-traffic area, you must fix it immediately. On the contrary, if the chip is in an inconspicuous area or out of your working area, you can leave it as it is. You can also place a rubber mat or a cloth over it to avoid further damage. It is not a good idea to place any kitchen tool like a blender, food processor, oven, or toaster over cracks.

Fissures and cracks are more significant than chips. A crack that goes through the countertop can damage its structural integrity and make it prone to breakage. Though it happens rarely, it is better to repair it as soon as possible. If the damage can’t be fixed, you may need to replace the countertop to avoid further damage.

How to Repair Granite Countertops?

You can use a granite repair kit to fill in cracks and chips in your countertop. These kits are convenient and easily available in hardware stores and online. Here’s how you can work with these kits.

  • Remove all the dust and debris from the crack using a dry, clean scrub pad. You can also use an earbud to remove the dust.
  • Dip a paper towel in acetone and scrub the area to remove any stuck grime or dust from the crack.
  • Let the area dry completely. You can use a hairdryer to remove all the moisture.
  • Follow the instructions on the packaging to apply the cure.
  • Once done and the material is dried, use the sanding paper to remove the excessive material.
  • Reseal the area and let it dry.

When Should You Replace Granite Countertops?

Replacing your granite countertop must be the last resort. You must only consider it if resealing and repairing aren’t working anymore.

It will cost you a handsome amount of money but will give your kitchen a new look. Well-maintained granite countertops usually last 10-20 years or up to 100 years in rare cases. However, it requires frequent maintenance and utmost care while working, which isn’t usually possible in a home

How to Replace Granite Countertops?

Replacing a granite countertop isn’t a DIY task everyone can do. Very few people will take up the challenge as the job involves complex cutting, like making holes, corners, and edges. You’ll also need to remove the previous countertop, which requires precision; no one wants to damage the surface below the countertop.

We suggest hiring professionals if you don’t have any prior experience working with granite.


How Much Does It Cost To Refinish, Repair Or Replace Granite Countertops?

The cost of these jobs depends on various factors. You can opt for DIY resealing and repair and save a lot of money. All you need is time, basic skills, and a resealing/repairing kit. On the contrary, replacing granite countertops is a professional job that requires skills and machinery.

Resealing: A granite sealer costs $20 to $50. You will need some common household tools to go with it. On the contrary, a professional resealing job will set you back $200-$400, depending on how big the countertop is.

Repairing: Repair kits cost $30 to $60. This is a bit technical, but you can complete it if you watch videos online and follow the instructions on the packaging. A professional repair can cost you $100 to $500 or more, depending on the damage, labor rates, and other services you want.

Replacing: Granite costs $40 to $175 per square foot. The cost varies based on the stone’s quality, job difficulty, cost of living, and whether other things (sink or cabinets) in your kitchen need repairing.

Benefits of Refinishing Or Repairing Granite Countertops

  • Refinishing increases your countertop’s age and restores its shine; it protects from damage and water seepage.
  • Repairing avoids further damage and saves replacing costs.

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